Saturday, April 26, 2008

Canoes on Lake Malawi

Transporting canoes on Lake Malawi?
Photo copyrighted to Johnny Bugler

Chikale Beach on Lake Malawi in Nkhata Bay, northern Malawi.
Photo copyrighted to harald_kirr

Photo copyrighted to harald_kirr

Nkhata-Bay town in Northern Malawi.
Photo copyrighted to harald_kirr

Photo copyrighted to harald_kirr

Photo copyrighted to Larsz

Photo copyrighted to Larsz

Monday, April 21, 2008

Konga Vibes Band from Malawi

Konga Vibes is another music outfit that plays authentic Malawian music. Listen to audio clips and watch music videos at

The Body, Mind & Soul Band from Mzuzu, Malawi

In this post, we are featuring a band from the city of Mzuzu in northern Malawi. The band is "new kid on the block" in music circles in Malawi but guess what, they have already won the 2007 International Music Crossroads Competition and they are touring Europe in the summer of this year (2008).

Led by Davie Luhanga, the "Street Rat", the group fuses Malawian traditional beats in a "voodjazz" fashion. I like them because of their original and unique traditional beat. You may watch and listen to their music at There are audio and video clips there. The drums in the song "Achimwene" are just nice! Coincidentally, the drummer McEwan Manda, was my classmate in standard 8 at St Peter's primary school in Mzuzu, Malawi. So if you want to hear a sample of original Malawi music, then just head to the mentioned website.

A YouTube clip of one of their songs can also be found at

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tea plantations in Thyolo and Mulanje in Malawi...

Passing through tea plantations in Thyolo (photo
copyrighted to Nchenga )

A view of Mount Mulanje with tea plantations in the background.
(Photo copyrighted to Bennett Kankuzi)

Tea plantations in Mulanje (photo copyrighted to

A road through the tea plantations in Thyolo (photo
copyrighted to Nchenga)

Picking tea leaves in Malawi (photo copyrighted to the Malawi Project)

Tea plantations in Mulanje, Malawi (photo copyrighted to
moemac )

Tea estates in Thyolo (photo copyrighted to Outreach Malawi)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Club Makokola in Malawi...

In this post we are featuring Club Makokola in Malawi:

A beach scene on Lake Malawi at Club Makokola

A golf course at Club Makokola

Entrance to Club Makokola

The wonderful swimming pools

Golden sands of Lake Malawi beaches at Club Makokola

All photos are copyrighted to MALAWI-TRAVEL.COM

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Shire River in Malawi ...

You may click on the image to link to the source

The meandering lower Shire River in Chikwawa (photo credit:

An aerial view of the upper Shire River

Hippo yawning on Shire River

A big herd of elephants on the banks of the Shire River

Impalas grazing on the banks of the Shire River in Liwonde National Park

A marshy land near Shire River in Liwonde National Park in Malawi

The mighty pause? A hippo on the Shire River in Malawi

Sunset over Shire River near Mvuu camp in Malawi